KNU Alzheimer’s disease Research Institute

제  목 2020년 03월 05일 목요일 저널클럽 공지입니다.
등록일 2020-03-05 조회수 118
첨  부 20200305 정민석.pdf  




2020년 3월 5일 목요일 저널클럽 공지입니다.




저널클럽 발표자는  




발표자 : 정민석


논문제목 : Lipoxin A 4 Attenuates Obesity-Induced Adipose Inflammation and Associated Liver and Kidney Disease


논문정보 : Cell Metab. 2015 Jul 7;22(1):125-37.


논문내용 :SPM중 하나인 Lipoxin A4 와 합성된 Lipoxin A4 유사체들이 macrophage의 M1에서 M2 switch를 촉진시키고, adipose tissue의 autophage를 개선하여, obesity를 통한 kidney와 Liver injury를 완화시킨다는 내용의 논문입니다. 




발표자 : Maria Ayub


논문제목 : The Central Nervous System Regulates Embryonic HSPC Production via Stress-Responsive Glucocorticoid Receptor Signaling 


논문정보 : Cell Stem Cell, 19 (3), 370-82 2016 Sep 1


논문내용 : CNS controls embryonic HSPC numbers via the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal/interrenal (HPA/I) stress response axis. Inhibition of neuronal, but not peripheral, tryptophan hydroxlyase (Tph) persistently reduced HSPC number. Significantly, developmental hypoxia, as indicated by Hif1α function, induced the HPA/I axis and cortisol production. Our data establish that embryonic HSC production responds to physiologic stress via CNS-derived serotonin synthesis and central feedback regulation to control HSC numbers.




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