KNU Alzheimer’s disease Research Institute

제  목 2021년 04월 08일 목요일 저널클럽 공지입니다.
등록일 2021-04-07 조회수 117





2021년 4월 8일 목요일 세미나 공지입니다.





저널클럽 발표자는




 발표자 : Maria Ayub

저널제목 : Choroid plexus NKCC1 mediates cerebrospinal fluid clearance during mouse early postnatal development


저널정보 : Nat Commun. 2021 Jan 19;12(1):447.
저널내용 : We demonstrated that ChP clearance of CSF can be targeted to temper abnormal CSF accumulation. CSF adjacent tissues, including ChP, have been targeted for therapeutic manipulation in rodent models of neurologic diseases ranging from Huntington’s disease and lysosomal storage disorders to Alzheimer’s disease. In this study, we sought to understand how CSF is cleared from the brain during a period of development prior to the maturation of CSF outflow routes suggested to exist in adults (e.g., arachnoid granulations, arachnoid villi, perineural and paravascular pathways, and meningeal lymphatics). Failure of CSF clearance during this developmental period has debilitating consequences. Our results suggest that this period is defined by a rapid decrease in CSF K+. The ChP mediates CSF K+ clearance during this transition period, and thus forms a CSF outflow route through ion and water co-transport by NKCC1.

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