KNU Alzheimer’s disease Research Institute

제  목 2020년 05월 29일 금요일 저널클럽 공지입니다.
등록일 2020-05-28 조회수 126



2020년 5월 29일 금요일 저널클럽 공지입니다.



저널클럽 발표자는  



발표자 : Maria Ayub


논문제목 : IL-17a promotes sociabliity iin mouse models of neurodevelopmenal disorders


논문정보 : Nature. 2020 Jan;577(7789):249-253


논문내용 : A subset of children with autism spectrum disorder appear to show an improvement in their behavioural symptoms during the course of a fever, a sign of systemic inflammation.  Our data support a neuroimmune mechanism that underlies neurodevelopmental disorders in which the production of IL-17a during inflammation can ameliorate the expression of social behaviour deficits by directly affecting neuronal activity in the central nervous system.





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