KNU Alzheimer’s disease Research Institute

제  목 2021년 06월 03일 목요일 저널클럽 공지입니다.
등록일 2021-06-02 조회수 101





2021년 6월 3일 목요일 저널클럽 공지입니다.




저널클럽 발표자는





 발표자 : 정민석

저널제목 : CXCL14, a Brown Adipokine that Mediates Brown-Fat-to-Macrophage Communication in Thermogenic Adaptation
저널정보 : Cell Metab . 2018 Nov 6;28(5):750-763.e6.
저널내용 : BAT은 Chemokine CXCL14를 분비하여 M2 macrophage의 recruitment를 통해 Thermogenesis를 촉진시키고, 직접적으로 BAT의 활성화와 WAT의 Browning을 향상시킨다는 내용의 논문입니다.

 발표자 : 한완희

저널제목 : Astrocytic ApoE reprograms neuronal cholesterol metabolism and histone-acetylation-mediated memory
저널정보 : Neuron. 2021 Mar 17;109(6):957-970.e8.
저널내용 : Astrocyte에서 생성된 ApoE HDL이 miRNA를 neuron으로 운반을 하여 neuron의 cholesterol metabolism관련 gene을 조절하고 histone-acetylation을 조절하여 memory의 consolidation에 중요한 역할을 한다는 내용의 논문입니다.



발표자 : Maria Ayub

저널제목 : Meningeal γδ T cells regulate anxiety-like behavior via IL-17a signaling in neurons
저널정보 : Nat Immunol. 2020 Nov;21(11):1421-1429.
저널내용 : Studies suggest that IL-17a promotes behavioral changes in experimental models of autism and aggregation behavior in worms. Here, through a cellular and molecular characterization of meningeal γδ17 T cells, we defined the nearest central nervous system–associated source of IL-17a under homeostasis. Physiological release of IL-17a by these cells was correlated with anxiety-like behavior in mice and was partially dependent on T cell receptor engagement and commensal-derived signals. IL-17a receptor was expressed in cortical glutamatergic neurons under steady-state and its genetic deletion decreased anxiety-like behavior in mice. Our findings suggest that IL-17a production by meningeal γδ17 T cells represents an evolutionary bridge between this conserved anti-pathogen molecule and survival behavioral traits in vertebrates.

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