KNU Alzheimer’s disease Research Institute

제  목 2022년 05월 18일 수요일 저널클럽 공지입니다.
등록일 2022-05-28 조회수 58



2022년 5월 18일 수요일 저널클럽 공지입니다.




저널클럽 발표자는 



발표자 : Chowdhury Md Riad


저널제목: The serine protease HtrA1 cleaves misfolded transforming growth factor beta–induced protein (TGFBIp) and induces amyloid formation


저널정보:  J Biol Chem . 2019 Aug 2;294(31):11817-11828


저널내용:  In this article the authors reported that  serine protease high-temperature requirement protein A1 (HtrA1) is associated with protein-misfolding disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. So, they investigated the role of HtrA1 both in normal TGFBIp turnover and in corneal amyloid formation. HtrA1 cleaves the WT FAS1-4 domain only inefficiently, whereas the amyloidogenic FAS1-4 mutations transform this domain into a considerably better HTRA1 substrate. Also,  HtrA1 cleavage of the mutant FAS1-4 domains generated peptides capable of forming in vitro amyloid aggregates.



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▼ 이전글 2022년 05월 26일 목요일 저널클럽 공지입니다. 2022-05-28